Sustainability | TOYO CorporationSustainability | TOYO Corporation
Sustainability | TOYO CorporationSustainability | TOYO Corporation
Sustainability | TOYO CorporationSustainability | TOYO Corporation


What we can do today
to work toward creating
a sustainable future

Top message

Toshiya Kohno | TOYO Corporation

We are committed to addressing social
and environmental challenges by leveraging
cutting-edge measurement technology,
which is vital for fostering innovation.

President and CEOToshiya Kohno | TOYO Corporation

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As a leading provider of measurement solutions,
we promote business activities based on the corporate philosophy aiming for
sustainable growth and contribute to the creation of sustainable future through solving social issues.

Management TOP

Sustainability Mid-Term Plan


  • Contribute to Innovation and Industrial Growth | TOYO CorporationContribute to Innovation and Industrial Growth | TOYO Corporation
  • Promote Environmental Conservation | TOYO CorporationPromote Environmental Conservation | TOYO Corporation
  • Actualize Safe,Secure,and Fulfilling Lives | TOYO CorporationActualize Safe,Secure,and Fulfilling Lives | TOYO Corporation
  • Foster Diverse and Competitive Talents | TOYO CorporationFoster Diverse and Competitive Talents | TOYO Corporation
  • Establish a Strong and Sound Management Base | TOYO CorporationEstablish a Strong and Sound Management Base | TOYO Corporation

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External Evaluation and Initiatives

FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index | TOYO in SOCIETY | TOYO Corporation

FTSE Russell confirms that TOYO Corporation has been independently assessed according to the index criteria, and has satisfied the requirements to become a constituent of the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index. The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products.

TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) | TOYO in SOCIETY | TOYO Corporation

We have expressed support for the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures).

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What we can do with our technological expertise
and business segments.
TOYO’s Connection with Society

Introducing how TOYO’s products and services are connected to society.