Priority issue 02

Promote Environmental Conservation

Priority issue 02  Promote Environmental Conservation | TOYO CorporationPriority issue 02  Promote Environmental Conservation | TOYO Corporation

Our Vision

Environmental problems such as climate change and ocean pollution are global challenges, and to sustainably develop our society and businesses, we must preserve our planet’s environment. We will contribute to promote environmental conservation by providing solutions committed to reduce environmental impact including new energy development support and carefully reducing the effects on the environment caused by our business activities.

Activity Targets

1.Pursue a Carbon-free Society

By contributing to the development of secondary batteries such as all-solid-state battery and air battery, electric transportation means including EV(Electric Vehicle), and renewable energy, we engage in the reduction of CO2 emission. We also review the company’s logistics and actively reduce CO2 emission in our supply chain.

2.Achieve a Recycle-oriented Society

Repair and other after-sales services in line with customers’ needs are to be enhanced to maintain the performance of customers’ products, and to improve operational efficiency in the customers’ development and production environment.
Moreover, we review our packing materials and pay attention to reducing any environmental hazardous substances which will adversely affect our recycling process.

3.Restore Ocean Health

We provide undersea observation solutions effective for ocean surveys, and contribute to help stop ocean pollution and to get back our rich marine ecosystem.

Related SDGs

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Action plan

1.Pursue a Carbon-free Society

Specific activities

  1. Contribution to the development of high-performance batteries
    Contribution to the development of semiconductors
    Provision of evaluation systems for the development of energy devices such as solar cells and thermoelectric conversion
  2. Reducing GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by introducing renewable-energy-derived electricity and switching company vehicles to eco-friendly ones
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2.Achieve a Recycle-oriented Society

Specific activities

Review of packaging materials
Promotion of environmental activities in compliance with ISO14001
Continued improvement of our environmental management system
Proper management of waste

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3.Restore Ocean Health

Specific activities

Provision of solutions for monitoring fishing grounds and underwater infrastructure for biodiversity conservation

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  • Promote Environmental Conservation | TOYO CorporationPromote Environmental Conservation | TOYO Corporation
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  • Establish a Strong and Sound Management Base | TOYO CorporationEstablish a Strong and Sound Management Base | TOYO Corporation

TOYO in SOCIETY | TOYO CorporationTOYO in SOCIETY | TOYO Corporation