Priority issue 05

Establish a Strong and Sound Management Base

Priority issue 05 Establish a Strong and Sound Management Base  | TOYO CorporationPriority issue 05 Establish a Strong and Sound Management Base | TOYO Corporation

Our Vision

For a company to enhance its corporate value in a mid-long-term context, and to sustain its growth, it needs to establish a strong and sound management base. Our company, in accordance with our corporate philosophy and action guidelines, in the long run, will maintain and strengthen a fair and successful relationship with various stakeholders, and will construct a strong and sound governance system that incorporates appropriate monitoring and supervisory functions.

Activity Targets

1.Maintain and Enhance a Strong and Sound
Corporate Governance Structure

Our basic policies are increasing the transparency and health of our decision-making process and improving the efficiency in management, by appropriately executing our corporate governance code. In accordance with our basic policy, we strive for sustainable growth, and aim to enhance mid-long-term corporate value for our shareholders and other stakeholders.

2.Develop and Reinforce
Risk Management System

We strengthen internal control through various committee activities and monitoring. Security measures and information control towards cyber attacks which may threaten our business continuity, BCP measures in response to disasters, and compliance with domestic and international laws, are a few of many risk-based rules we establish. We disseminate those among all employees and endeavor to maintain the company’s sustainable growth.

3.Ensure Compliance

Clarifying the measures against the risks that may lead to compliance violation and giving employee education encourage everyone to strictly abide by compliance rules, and to foster an open corporate culture.

Related SDGs

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Action plan

1.Maintain and Enhance
a Strong and Sound Corporate
Governance Structure

Specific activities

Reinforcement of Internal Control Systems
Improved internal auditing
Utilization of external knowledge by inviting directors from outside the Corporation
Increased diversity of the Board of Directors

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2.Develop and Reinforce
Risk Management System

Specific activities

Appropriate update and dissemination of risk response manuals
Formulation and dissemination of BCP manuals
Implementation of new measures to improve in-house information security

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Specific activities

Enhancement of the risk compliance committee
Implementation of compliance training
Thorough implementation of TOYO Corporation Compliance, a code of ethics and legal compliance for directors and employees

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  • Establish a Strong and Sound Management Base | TOYO CorporationEstablish a Strong and Sound Management Base | TOYO Corporation

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